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Privacy Policy

Where we collect your personally identifiable information, meaning name, address, or email address, for example, we have taken every precaution to store the information safely and in encrypted and password protected format on The Cloud (not on computers or in emails which are far more vulnerable, encrypted in transit).


We NEVER pass on or sell your information. For promotional purposes, we may ask through our website, for example, if you would like to recommend a friend for a discounted price, or we may email you on occasion about an important update (non-promotional) but we would only collect first names and emails OR phone numbers in such circumstances, never identifiable information and NEVER ID numbers or the like. We do not track or spy on you!! We delete information wherever possible.


Third parties such as the Google Play Store or PayPal store some of your personal data when you purchase products from them (such as V4 of AfroStory The App), but to our knowledge and in our experience they are trustworthy and keep such information extremely secure, within their organization's vaults, so to speak, and do not pass it on without your permission. We do the same.


We are here to improve convenient access to literature for those most in need, not to compromise your digital rights and security. Sign in information is minimized. Ethical behavior such as this is central to our Ethical Company Values. Please contact us below with any further queries above. Please contact us below to request your personal data (any we might have) be deleted, as is your right.

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